A biodiversity status profile of sub-tidal and inter-tidal habitats of the Rekawa, Ussangoda and Kalametiya area
Perera, E.N.R.
A biodiversity status profile of sub-tidal and inter-tidal habitats of the Rekawa, Ussangoda and Kalametiya area - Colombo IUCN Regional Office 2004 - iii,33p. 30cm - Occasional papers of IUCN Sri Lanka No.5, March 2004 .
Other natural resources
Shorelands and related areas
333.917 / PER
A biodiversity status profile of sub-tidal and inter-tidal habitats of the Rekawa, Ussangoda and Kalametiya area - Colombo IUCN Regional Office 2004 - iii,33p. 30cm - Occasional papers of IUCN Sri Lanka No.5, March 2004 .
Other natural resources
Shorelands and related areas
333.917 / PER